
Clean Your Lens

Clean Your Lens 02

It’s the third, officially second Clean Your Lens episode! We talked about Restream and how it can help you brand your show last time. In this episode, I still shared a little bit about Restream, but the main focus this time is really about using a green screen for your live videos. I’ll actually have

Clean Your Lens 02

Clean Your Lens 01

In this episode of Clean Your Lens, I talked about Restream and how it can help you brand your show. There’s so much you can do with this software, and it can definitely make your live streams truly your own. Watch the video, if you missed me live, to see more of Restream and what

Clean Your Lens 01

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I’m excited to share with you my new show, Clean Your Lens. It’s live, and it happens every Monday at 8 PM. In this show, I live stream for about an hour, and you can ask me anything about YouTube and videos. I’ll try my best to answer your questions. Join me every Monday, put

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